Signature projects show the impact a Kiwanis
club can have on a community. From playgrounds and parks to festivals and
fundraisers, signature projects are the hallmarks of what Kiwanis clubs are
known for in their communities.
Signature projects
provide valuable and needed service to a community. They elevate awareness of
Kiwanis, engage current members and remind them why they joined Kiwanis.
Additionally, signature projects can increase membership. Don’t forget to
invite and involve potential new members in your club’s next signature project.
While the district will determine how to select
its club-level Tier I and Tier II submissions, all projects should follow the
criteria listed below. A signature project is
one that includes ALL of the
following criteria:
Recurring: At a minimum, the project should take place annually.
Brand enhancing: The project should be designed to elevate the Kiwanis brand in the local community with opportunities for public relations activities, such as using the Kiwanis name on the project, media mentions, etc.
High impact: The project should have a demonstrable positive impact on the community; this impact should be measurable in monies raised or children served.
Membership focused: The project should support opportunities to strengthen membership and develop new partnerships.
TIP: A good question to ask when identifying a
signature project: “What community activity or event is my club known for?”
Staff at KI will send district submissions to the designated district contact for district leadership to select their Tier I and Tier II submissions to the Signature Project Contest.
While the district determines how to select its club-level Tier I and Tier II submissions, the project should follow the criteria listed above. Once a district has selected its representative club-level signature projects, a district designate can complete the online submission form. All contest submissions will be confirmed as received via a confirmation email to the submitter. After the submission period has ended:
Members of the Kiwanis International Board Committee on Service and Partnerships will review all submissions that meet contest criteria. The committee will select the top 10 finalists in each tier. The committee will select the gold, silver and bronze winners (the top three in each group).
The decision of the committee is final.
Finalists and their respective districts will be notified of their status by Kiwanis International.
The top 10 finalists will be acknowledged during the Kiwanis International convention, and the top three — gold, silver and bronze — projects in each group will be awarded US$2,000, $1,500 and $1,000, respectively.
Contest Opens 01/07/25, Tuesday, 12:00 pm ET Contest Closes 01/30/25, Thursday, 11:59 pm ET District Entries Due to KI 02/28/25, Friday, 11:59pm ET
Signature Projects
Signature projects show the impact a Kiwanis club can have on a community. From playgrounds and parks to festivals and fundraisers, signature projects are the hallmarks of what Kiwanis clubs are known for in their communities.
Signature projects provide valuable and needed service to a community. They elevate awareness of Kiwanis, engage current members and remind them why they joined Kiwanis. Additionally, signature projects can increase membership. Don’t forget to invite and involve potential new members in your club’s next signature project.
While the district will determine how to select its club-level Tier I and Tier II submissions, all projects should follow the criteria listed below. A signature project is one that includes ALL of the following criteria:
TIP: A good question to ask when identifying a signature project: “What community activity or event is my club known for?”
Resources are available at:
Each club’s entry will be sent directly to KI. The Signature Project form is located here:
Staff at KI will send district submissions to the designated district contact for district leadership to select their Tier I and Tier II submissions to the Signature Project Contest.
While the district determines how to select its club-level Tier I and Tier II submissions, the project should follow the criteria listed above. Once a district has selected its representative club-level signature projects, a district designate can complete the online submission form.
All contest submissions will be confirmed as received via a confirmation email to the submitter. After the submission period has ended:
Contest Opens 01/07/25, Tuesday, 12:00 pm ET
Contest Closes 01/30/25, Thursday, 11:59 pm ET
District Entries Due to KI 02/28/25, Friday, 11:59pm ET