Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, & Accessibility

Educational Resources

This resource guide is intended to provide members of the Capital District Kiwanis Family with tools to use in educating themselves and fellow members about the important topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility. The resources compiled here allow for personal introspection, group dialogue, and learning in multiple formats. The intention of sharing these resources is to help develop a deeper appreciation for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the Kiwanis Family and to provide guidance on how to actively engage in practices that promote these important values and principles. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but a starting point of discussion and learning.

You can download the guide by clicking here.

Webinar Series

The DEIBA committee has a bimonthly educational series to keep Capital District Kiwanis Family members from Kiwanis, CKI, Key Club, and Aktion Club up-to-date on the subject of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Watch this space for our next scheduled webinar!

Past Webinars

September 2024Psychological Safety:  What It Feels like to BelongBettina Mason is the principal/founder of Mason Education Solutions Group and a highly motivated Change Agent!    Bettina has experience as an AI Consultant, Educator (Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education), independent health insurance advisor.Watch Here
May 2024Developing the Leader Within: Applying DEIBA ValuesMelinda Hill, PhD is identified as a Maxwell trained leadership educator, experienced executive coach,  with stellar DEIBA credentials, certified through a Cornell University DEIBA training course. Watch Here
January 2024The Importance of Educating Members of the Kiwanis Family About DEIBAKiwanis clubs are encouraged to achieve Distinguished Club status each administrative year. The criteria set forth by the Capital District create a road map for clubs to use when setting goals for the year. Did you know there is a new requirement for clubs to complete an annual training for all members on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility? Learn more about this new club expectation, why it is important, and how your club can fulfill this requirement in a meaningful way that moves Kiwanis forward while earning the honor of being named a Distinguished Club. Many ideas will be shared that can be used by Key Clubs, CKI clubs, and Aktion Clubs as well! Watch Here

Download Presentation Here

September 2023Understanding The Impact of Bias and Microaggressions on Groups and OrganizationsRelationship building is key to success with any group or organization in today’s society. It is imperative for your club to foster an inclusive and welcoming climate for all. However, have you ever thought about why someone may not join a club, organization, or team? In this training, you will learn to understand how bias and microaggressions can affect the relationship a group can have with each other and the communities they serve.Watch Here
June 2023Implicit Bias 101: What Is It?What is Implicit Bias? How do I know If I have it? Does this mean I have prejudiced views? Learn how understanding your bias can make you a better ally to your friends and neighbors of color.View Presentation
February 2023Creating a Sense of Belonging in Your ClubDo you have trouble attracting new members to your club? When you do find individuals to join your service efforts, does it feel as if they do not stay for long? Baffled as to why this might be? Join members of the Capital District Kiwanis Family for this interactive online workshop designed to help you assess the culture and normative behaviors of your club to determine action steps you might take to increase a sense of belonging for your current and future club members. Watch Here
November 2022Why DEI?What are diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) anyway? Why are they relevant to our service work in the Kiwanis family? Join the Capital District Kiwanis Family Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as we explore common DEI challenges and how they might appear in our clubs, divisions, and regions. Guest presenters AJ and Adrienne Young will help us to learn more about the many facets of inclusion and discover some helpful resources to implement in our service work.
Presented by: AJ and Adrienne Young, founders, LIFEworks Project 
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