8:00am-9:00am – Capital District Finance Committee Breakfast
9:00am-1:00pm – Exhibit & Caring Corner Set-up
9:30am-11:30am – Capital District Board of Trustees Meeting
11am-6pm – Registration Open
12:00pm – 1:30pm – 22-23 and 23-24 Leadership Team Luncheon (Invitation Only)
1:00pm – 5:00pm – Exhibits & Caring Corner Open
1:30pm – 2:00pm – CDKF Finance Committee Meeting
1:30pm – 5:00pm – Club Leadership Education (CLE) Session
2:00pm – 4:00pm – CDKF Board of Directors Meeting
6:30pm – 9:00pm – Murder Mystery Dinner (Ticketed Event) Enjoy a scrumptious dinner with your Kiwanis friends as you figure out “who dunit” during this hilarious, interactive 1920s murder mystery performed by The Murder Mystery Company.
9:00pm – 11:30pm – Regional Hospitality Suites Open
Saturday, August 19, 2023
7:00am-3:00pm – Registration Desk Open
7:00am-8:00am – Breakfast Buffet (Ticketed) Enjoy a breakfast buffet at your leisure to get the day started between 7 and 8am.
9:00-3:00pm – Caring Corner & Exhibits Open
8:00am-8:50am – Educational Sessions 1
9:00am-9:50am – Educational Sessions 2
10:00am-10:50am – Educational Sessions 3
11:00am-11:50am – Educational Sessions 4
12:00pm-1:45pm – Fellowship Luncheon (Ticketed Event) Keynote: “Putting the Spark Back in Membership” Rogena Woods-Mitchell, Club Opening Specialist, Kiwanis International
2:00pm-4:00pm – House of Delegates I / Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Annual Meeting
5:00pm-7:30pm – Casino Night featuring the Ducky Derby and Governor’s Reception Feeling Lucky? Join us for an evening of blackjack, poker, roulette and craps! All convention registrants receive play money with the option to purchase more to benefit The Eliminate Project. Cash bar will be available. The evening is 1920s-themed, so make sure to dress to the nines!
7:30pm-9:30pm – Governors Gala (Ticketed Event) Celebrate the 2022-23 Kiwanis year at this 1920s-themed dinner with live entertainment.
Featured speakers include Capital District Kiwanis Governor Jen Wolff, CKI Governor Nazira Djoy, and Key Club Governor Erina Haque.
Entertainment: Daisuke Yamamoto, Concertmaster of the Richmond Symphony
9:30pm-11:30pm – Regional Hospitality Suites Open
Sunday, August 20, 2023
8:00am-8:45am – House of Delegates II
9:00am-11:00am – Inspirational Breakfast & Transfer of Leadership (Ticketed Event)
Keynote: “Volunteering: The Freedom To Do Something Important” Brian Tenclinger, Volunteer Engagement and Education Director, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
11:00am-12:30pm – Generosity Feeds Service Project Convention attendees can work together to pack over 2,000 meals for Richmond-area children.
Saturday Educational Workshop Schedule
IMPLICIT BIAS: Developing More Inclusive Leaders for Clubs and Communities
Drs. David and Cheri Hartman
What is implicit bias? It is hidden prejudice, and it can be a natural habit of the mind. This interactive workshop is designed to grow your leadership skills and will explore how bias works and how we can reduce its harmful effects to improve our communities and build a more inclusive Kiwanis organization. This workshop is 2 sessions long.
Two for Two
Rhonda Vrell
Want to learn how to build your club’s membership in a systematic way? Come and learn this amazing method
How to Effectively Communicate to your Membership
John Montgomery & Lynette Embree
Have you wondered how to craft an effective Newsletter or message to your club members? Come and learn from some of the best!
Club Secretary/Treasurer Roundup
Jeffrey Wolff
Incoming club secretaries and treasurers come with your questions or concerns for the Executive Director
Community Relations: Setting up Partnerships
Jeannette Ogilvie
Come and Learn how to building lasting community partnerships with other non profit organizations & local government all for the benefit of building your clubs outreach.
Thinking Outside of the Box
Rhonda Vrell
Is your club stuck doing the same projects and same fundraisers year after year? Come and learn how to think differently and grow your clubs impact.
Incoming Presidents Meeting with the 2023-24 Governor
Eric Lamb
Let’s gather, get inspired and share ideas on how we can have a wonderful Kiwanis year in 2023-24
Styles of Kiwanis Clubs and How they Function
Sam Bosserman
Have your wondered what other clubs do and how they might be different from your club? Come and learn about the most popular styles of Kiwanis Clubs.
Tell us what you think…
Dr. Marie Bowe Quick & Susan Knick
Let’s have a conversation about what Kiwanis does great, what we need to work on and possible solutions.
Getting More from your Membership
Rogena Woods-Mitchell
Come learn how to retain the members you have and what they want to reenergize them.
Kiwanis Children’s Fund and How it Impacts our World
Michael Malik
Join us to learn just how and why the Kiwanis Children’s Fund operates. We all know it is impactful , come and learn the details.
Service Leadership Programs Roundtable
Nazira Djor, Erina Haque and SLP Member
In this interactive panel, our student leaders will talk about how your clubs can better interact with the youth programs that they sponsor.
Building a Sustaining Project (The Kiwanis Daycare Center)
Nathaniel Kyle and Bendie Blair
Has your club wanted to leave a legacy project to your community? Just us to learn how the Kiwanis Day Care center was born and why it exists.
Convention Sponsorships & Program Advertisements
Please consider sponsoring our annual 2023 Capital District Kiwanis Convention this summer from August 18th – 20th, 2023 at the Marriott Richmond Hotel. Complete sponsorship information is available here. The deadline for advertisements has already passed for this conference.
Club Delegates
At our district convention this August, each club in good standing, shall be entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate. All club delegates shall be active members of the clubs they represent.
The results of this form will be used to produce Delegate Passes which will be included in the registration envelopes of club and at-large delegates.
Hotel Information
Capital District Kiwanis has negotiated a rate of $119.00/night + tax for sleeping rooms at the Marriott Richmond Hotel in Richmond, VA. Our contracted room block is now closed. Please contact [email protected] if you still need accommodations.
Registration Information
Kiwanis Package Registration rate of $210 is good through August 11, 2023 – which includes all conference materials, Saturday Casino Night and sessions including 5 ticketed meal sessions (Friday Murder Mystery Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Breakfast). This a $40 value over purchasing registration and meals separately.
This year, there is no registration fee for non-Kiwanian guests attending with a registered Kiwanis member. Couples who are both Kiwanis members must register separately.
Kiwanis members/guests who are not coming for the entire weekend can register a la carte for the sessions they would like to attend:
A la carte Registration ($45) – This will allow attendance to all sessions other than meal sessions and allow the a la carte selection of meals:
Friday Murder Mystery Dinner ($60)
Saturday Breakfast ($30)
Saturday Fellowship Luncheon ($35)
Saturday Governor’s Banquet ($50)
Sunday Inspirational Breakfast ($30)
After August 11th, Online Registration will close and there will be no on-site registration. Don’t delay…..register today!
If you don’t receive an email confirmation after hitting submit below, your registration did not go through and your credit card was not charged. Please make sure that you receive a confirmation email. For assistance please contact [email protected]
Registration Form
Registration for the 2023 District Convention has closed. We look forward to seeing you in Richmond!
2023 Capital District Kiwanis Convention
The Capital District Kiwanis Convention will be held August 18-20, 2023 at the Marriott Richmond Hotel in Richmond, VA!
Join us for the fellowship, great speakers, educational workshops, a service project and more.
Preliminary Convention Agenda
(Subject to Change)
Enjoy a scrumptious dinner with your Kiwanis friends as you figure out “who dunit” during this hilarious, interactive 1920s murder mystery performed by The Murder Mystery Company.
Enjoy a breakfast buffet at your leisure to get the day started between 7 and 8am.
Keynote: “Putting the Spark Back in Membership”
Rogena Woods-Mitchell, Club Opening Specialist, Kiwanis International
Feeling Lucky? Join us for an evening of blackjack, poker, roulette and craps! All convention registrants receive play money with the option to purchase more to benefit The Eliminate Project. Cash bar will be available. The evening is 1920s-themed, so make sure to dress to the nines!
Celebrate the 2022-23 Kiwanis year at this 1920s-themed dinner with live entertainment.
Featured speakers include Capital District Kiwanis Governor Jen Wolff, CKI Governor Nazira Djoy, and Key Club Governor Erina Haque.
Entertainment: Daisuke Yamamoto, Concertmaster of the Richmond Symphony
Keynote: “Volunteering: The Freedom To Do Something Important”
Brian Tenclinger, Volunteer Engagement and Education Director, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Convention attendees can work together to pack over 2,000 meals for Richmond-area children.
Saturday Educational Workshop Schedule
Convention Sponsorships & Program Advertisements
Please consider sponsoring our annual 2023 Capital District Kiwanis Convention this summer from August 18th – 20th, 2023 at the Marriott Richmond Hotel. Complete sponsorship information is available here. The deadline for advertisements has already passed for this conference.
Club Delegates
At our district convention this August, each club in good standing, shall be entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate. All club delegates shall be active members of the clubs they represent.
In order to certify your club delegates (after they have been elected by the club membership), please have the Club President or Secretary complete this form as soon as possible, but no later than August 4th. There will be no on-site credentials certification.
The results of this form will be used to produce Delegate Passes which will be included in the registration envelopes of club and at-large delegates.
Hotel Information
Capital District Kiwanis has negotiated a rate of $119.00/night + tax for sleeping rooms at the Marriott Richmond Hotel in Richmond, VA. Our contracted room block is now closed. Please contact [email protected] if you still need accommodations.
Registration Information
Kiwanis Package Registration rate of $210 is good through August 11, 2023 – which includes all conference materials, Saturday Casino Night and sessions including 5 ticketed meal sessions (Friday Murder Mystery Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Breakfast). This a $40 value over purchasing registration and meals separately.
This year, there is no registration fee for non-Kiwanian guests attending with a registered Kiwanis member. Couples who are both Kiwanis members must register separately.
Kiwanis members/guests who are not coming for the entire weekend can register a la carte for the sessions they would like to attend:
After August 11th, Online Registration will close and there will be no on-site registration. Don’t delay…..register today!
If you don’t receive an email confirmation after hitting submit below, your registration did not go through and your credit card was not charged. Please make sure that you receive a confirmation email. For assistance please contact [email protected]
Registration Form
Registration for the 2023 District Convention has closed. We look forward to seeing you in Richmond!