Bringing SLPs Back after Pandemic-HibernationKiwanis Family Opportunity Calendar
Club Planning to Adapt to Changing ConditionsPresentation
Communicating with EveryonePresentation
It Takes a Village of Values in KiwanisHandout
Keeping Your Club’s Seats FilledPresentation
Strengthening Your Bond with SLPsWorkshop ResourceWorkshop ResourceWorkshop Resource
Presidents RoundtablePresentation
Secretaries & Treasurers RoundtablesLeadership Guide (2022 Edition)Request a free WordPress Club Website Here: Training Site: Membership Recruitment BootcampTwo for Two Workbook
Service in a Digital WorldPresentation and Worksheet
Touching the Lives of ChildrenPresentation and Handout
Why Membership MattersPresentation
Thank you to our Education Sponsor
2022 District Midyear Conference & CKI District Convention
Thank you to all of our speakers and presenters. If you are interested in any of the presentations or handouts, you can download them here:
Bringing SLPs Back after Pandemic-Hibernation
Kiwanis Family Opportunity Calendar
Club Planning to Adapt to Changing Conditions
Communicating with Everyone
It Takes a Village of Values in Kiwanis
Keeping Your Club’s Seats Filled
Strengthening Your Bond with SLPs
Workshop Resource
Workshop Resource
Workshop Resource
Presidents Roundtable
Secretaries & Treasurers Roundtables
Leadership Guide (2022 Edition)
Request a free WordPress Club Website Here:
WordPress Training Site:
Membership Recruitment Bootcamp
Two for Two Workbook
Service in a Digital World
Presentation and Worksheet
Touching the Lives of Children
Presentation and Handout
Why Membership Matters
Thank you to our Education Sponsor